Hey ho and howdy everyone. Been offline for a bit due to internet being disconnected, as well my father having a heart attack before that. He's fine btw. Causing trouble like nothing ever happened. Definitely a good sign. Anywho, here's the deal. My music projects are a great way for me to relax and forget that bad things are happening around me (recession, financial crap.... living in the middle of nowhere with out so much as a power wheels for transportation, crap like that.) I have recieved several requests for use of my projects for other projects. Well, for the records, the music is also intended for another reason. To be used at liesure, by whoever, whenever and for whatever. That was the goal for the CGL team when it was formed (Ranter makes webcomics, I make music and deal with any tech stuff, since ranter is, like, 400 or something lol. Just kidding, bu he really is hopeless with computers and no word of a lie can't figure out which jack is for the mic and which for his headphones.
So, to clear the air, here are the rules for the music.
Rule one (basic): Find it, Grab it. Use it.
Rule two (Mandatory): Add either Crazyguylink or CGL Team to the credits. Just the usual creative commons crap. needs to be done whethr I want it to or not.
Rule three (Optional): Send a link. You can send it to either my newgrounds inbox or directly at katar9star@gmail.com. Not necessary, but I like seeing new stuff. So it would kick ass if you did.
Well, that's it for now. Oh, and why is y email different from my ID? when you have 2 people using the same name for different emails, messages go to the wrong inbox after 3 years, I decided to change my email and online alias to KatarZero. So, yeah. that said, Have fun everyone XD.